Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Birthday Party....

Since my kid's birthdays are only 3 weeks apart and Porter's fall right at Thanksgiving and Padyn's is so close to Christmas I have been doing a joint party. This year we had a Sleeping beauty and Firetruck theme. 
The party was Dec 3rd and the weather was PERFECT. So perfect I couldn't have wished for better weather. 

Lets start with the Sleeping Beauty part of the party. My amazingly talented Sister-in-Law made the invites. They were front and back so kids could be invited to two parties at the same time and the same location. 

 For the favors I had pink bows made... you can see the firestation sticker sheet for the boys in the background. 

I made a Crown "Happy Birthday" banner. There were pink paper lanterns, Roses (Sleeping Beauty is called "Briar Rose" by the Faries) a Castle, and some Sleeping Beauty figurines, dolls, and paper cutouts. 

Snacks on her table included kettle corn, cheese cubes, goldfish, grapes, candy coated marshmellows, and color coordinated M&Ms . 

The CAKE.... Probably my favorite part. If you remember in Sleeping Beauty the fairies make Aurora's 16th birthday cake with no magic. They don't bake it and it just is a falling over mess. My dear friend Sandy is a cake making genius and she came over and helped me assemble the cake. It is totally leaning and soooo perfect. 

The Owl was another little thing that I loved.... In the forest Prince Phillip falls in the river and he hangs his coat and takes his boots off to dry. The forest animals put it on and go to dance with Aurora. 

Padyn was soooo excited with Sleeping Beauty arrived. Her sweet friend Marshall didn't leave her side while she was checking the princess out. She then decided that Sleeping Beauty looked different and didn't want that much to do with her. 

Padyn wouldn't take a picure with the princess all by herself so Mommy had to jump in. 

Sweet Aurora kept sneaking in the background so Mommy could have some pics with The Princess with MY Princess. 

Padyn Blowing out her candle. The cake was HUGE.

On to my Porter!

His Invite... WHICH I LOVE!


 The decorations for the Firetruck Table were easier to find, but I tried to get a little creative. 

Porter's Firetruck "Happy Birthday" Banner

The food on his table were grapes, pretzels, sea salt popcorn, sugar cookies, egg free cupcakes, cheese cubes and color coordinated M&Ms. 

We had a HUGE firetruck come and it was a massive hit. The kids, boys and girls alike loved it. As did Tripp. He thought it was such a fun thing. 

We also went ahead and threw in a bouncy house. I think I totalled 150 people at the party so I am so glad we had it. 

My Mom made Porter's cake with some serious incouragement from my Dad... It was HUGE too. 

Porter loved it when people sang to him.

Drink Station

Kid's tables with water bottles. I rented the tables from a local rental company and highly recommend it if you are feeding alot of little ones.... worked out perfect!

The Birthday Girl

The Birthday Boy

And our family at the end of the party!